Friday, November 1, 2013

different types of sand

Key West: The sand is small and angular. It is black and white and is not magnetic. its composition is mostly rocks and minerals.

St. Martin Simpson Bay: The sand is very small and angular. It is moderatly sorted and its color is all black.

Cancun Mexico: The sand is all white and is not magnetic. it is small and its texture is subangular. It is also well sorted and its composition was crystals.

Bahamas: The sand is all white and its size is very small. it is not magnetic and its texture is subangular. it is well sorted and its composition is mostly minerals.

Desert Island: The sand hads many different colors. The three main colors it has is yellow, orange and white. it is small and subrounded. This sand is well sorted and consisted of rocks and minerals.

Plum Island: The sand is black, yellow and white. It is magnetic and very small. Its sand is rounded but very poorly sorted. Its composition is rocks and biologic materials.

Klamath California: The sand is black and gray. it is small and angular. it is well sorted consisting of rocks.

Salinas Ecudor: The sand is orange, yellow, black and white. it is very small and not magnetic. Its tecture is subrounded and subangular. It is very poorly sorted and consisted of rocks, minerals and crystals.

The two sands I chose to compare and contrast were Plum Island and Klamath California. Plum Island is located in Newbury MA and Klamath is located in California. Plum Island's sand color is black, white and yellow, while Klamath California's sand is only black and gray. It is not magnetic but Plum Island's sand is magnetic and is also very small. Its texture is rounded but very poorly sorted. Klamath California's sand is small, angular and well sorted. its wentworth scale measurment is only 2.5mm. The two sand's are very different because they both come from two completely different places but they also have some similarities.   

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