Friday, November 22, 2013

Loggerhead Island

Loggerhead Island-

1. What special considerations did you have to make for the nesting sea turtle sites located on the barrier island?
While creating my island I made sure that there was enough space between the sea turtles so they would be protected and not get disturbed.  

2. What special considerations had to be made when determining a good site for the proposed fishing pier?
When creating the fishing pier I made sure it was off of the lagoon because the ocean would be too strong.

3. What could be some of the potential problems that might arise from the proposed golf course? Propose some of the ways in which the impacts can be reduced.
Some of the problems that could occur would be not having the golf course next to the club house and the resort. People will be disappointed because there is no entertainment near them, that is why I put a golf course across the street from both the club house and restaurant and the 100 room resort.

4. What are the economic benefits to the community of Loggerhead County if the development was done with the least amount of environmental impact?
We would have more of an ecosystem.

5. Describe three ways in which humans negatively impact coastal ecosystems such as the one you are working on with Loggerhead Barrier Island.
Humans can be disrespectful and not acknowledge that there are endangered species around them. They can be oblivious to the trash around them and could accidentally leave it behind which causes pollution.

6. How can maintaining natural vegetation help us to reduce the damage caused by oceanic events such as hurricanes, tsunami and continued beach erosion?
Maintaining natural vegetation can help keep the area clean and could even help stop destruction.

7. After listening to the other groups make their presentations, were there any ideas they had you would have used if you had though about it before-hand? You should list at least three different ideas and indicate why their idea is actually better for the environment than yours. 
I would have made fences around the endangered species to keep them more protected.
I would have put a few buildings in different places to make it more spread out.
I would have put "do not trespass" signs around the area to make sure no one went near the species.

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