Friday, January 10, 2014

moon and tide analysis questions

1.       What kinds of people would find a tide table useful and why? (researchers, sailors, clam diggers, tourists, etc.)
I think researchers and clam diggers would find this table useful because researchers can find out more information from this table and clam diggers will be able to figure out the right time to dig for clams.

2.       Find the highest and lowest tides listed in the tide table for this month.  Figure out the difference between these two numbers.  This is the tidal range.  What events are causing these tidal changes to be so extreme? 
The highest tide occurs at 11:20 am which is 9.95 ft. and the lowest tide occurs at 8:44 pm which is -0.01 ft.  

3.       What is sea level?  In what way is sea level different than Mean Lower Low Water?
Sea Level is the level of the sea's surface, used in reckoning the height of geographical features such as hills and as a barometric standard.
4.     Approximately how far apart in time are the high tides each day?
The Times are usually 5-9 hours apart.
5.    Does the morning high tide occur at the same time each day? __________________ If not, by how much does it change?
The morning high tide occurs around the same time each day.
6.    Why does the time of the morning high tide change or stay the same each day?
The morning high tide changes but not drastically because it happens every day which is a set schedule.
7.   The tidal range is the difference in height between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide. The two biggest tidal bulges are known as the “spring tides”.  What is the relationship between moon phase and spring tide?
8.    The smallest tidal bulges are called the “neap tides”.  What is the relationship between moon phase and neap tide?
9.   List the time and the tide level for all four tides today. 
high tide- 9:38 am=9.61 ft  10:21 pm=8.43 ft   low tide- 4:00 am= -0.28 ft  4:47 pm= -1.27 ft 
10.      Are the two high tides the same height today? ________________  Are they the same height any day this week?  ________________
No the two high tides are not the same today nor this week, but the times are very similar to each other.
11.       What effects might the ebbing and flooding of the tide have on the animals and plants that live in the estuary? 
12.       If there is a bad storm blowing on the day you want to go clamming, how do you think the storm will affect the tide level? 
I think the tide level will be higher because of the storm.
13.     Give the date, the tide level, and the time that you would like to go clamming.
date= January 20       tide level= low at 1:18 pm        go clamming at= 2:00     sun sets at= 4:41 
14.    Give one example of other information you can obtain from your tide table.
I can obtain when the tides are the same and when to go clamming.

Friday, December 20, 2013

its all connected


1.  There are international laws about dumping trash, waste and chemicals into the ocean because it pollutes the ocean which affects the animal's habitats everywhere, all over the world.  These laws should be for every ocean all over the world. Oceans connect to each other so if the law applies to the Atlantic but not the Pacific, the trash will eventually travel to the Pacific ocean and continue the pollution trail.

2.   The oceans can also be protected by finning people  or even blocking off areas to protect endangered species. All kinds of  animals are becoming extinct or killed off by waste that they mistakenly eat for food. Bottle caps, lighters and other objects are killing so many animals.  Something needs to be done about careless people leaving their trash everywhere.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Loggerhead Island

Loggerhead Island-

1. What special considerations did you have to make for the nesting sea turtle sites located on the barrier island?
While creating my island I made sure that there was enough space between the sea turtles so they would be protected and not get disturbed.  

2. What special considerations had to be made when determining a good site for the proposed fishing pier?
When creating the fishing pier I made sure it was off of the lagoon because the ocean would be too strong.

3. What could be some of the potential problems that might arise from the proposed golf course? Propose some of the ways in which the impacts can be reduced.
Some of the problems that could occur would be not having the golf course next to the club house and the resort. People will be disappointed because there is no entertainment near them, that is why I put a golf course across the street from both the club house and restaurant and the 100 room resort.

4. What are the economic benefits to the community of Loggerhead County if the development was done with the least amount of environmental impact?
We would have more of an ecosystem.

5. Describe three ways in which humans negatively impact coastal ecosystems such as the one you are working on with Loggerhead Barrier Island.
Humans can be disrespectful and not acknowledge that there are endangered species around them. They can be oblivious to the trash around them and could accidentally leave it behind which causes pollution.

6. How can maintaining natural vegetation help us to reduce the damage caused by oceanic events such as hurricanes, tsunami and continued beach erosion?
Maintaining natural vegetation can help keep the area clean and could even help stop destruction.

7. After listening to the other groups make their presentations, were there any ideas they had you would have used if you had though about it before-hand? You should list at least three different ideas and indicate why their idea is actually better for the environment than yours. 
I would have made fences around the endangered species to keep them more protected.
I would have put a few buildings in different places to make it more spread out.
I would have put "do not trespass" signs around the area to make sure no one went near the species.

Friday, November 15, 2013

a beach by any other name

1. Physical and geological characteristics are used to classify the Earth's dynamic   coastlines by their proximity to tectonic activity . We classify coastlines to help us better understand the process that shape them.

2. Shepard Coastal Classification

      A.      Primary, volcanic coast

B.      Primary, glacier

C.      Primary, glacial  erosion

D.      Secondary, coastal erosion

E.       Primary, barrial island

F.       Secondary, coastal plain

G.      Secondary, costal plain

H.      Primary, non-marine

I.        Secondary, mangrove coast

J.        Secondary, fault line coast

K.      Primary, decomposition

L.       Primary shore lines

M.    Primary coastal plain

N.     Primary, earthquakes

O.     Secondary, land erosion

P.      Secondary, wave cut beach

Q.     Secondary, land fall

R.      Primary, steep glaciers
Validation Statements for Classifications:
1. Arcadia National Park, Maine has glacial droughts
2. Cape Cod, Massachusetts has glacial droughts
3. Chesapeake Bay, Virginia has sedimentary extrusions
4. Atlantic City, New Jersey has beach over wash
5. Mississippi Delta, Mississippi has volcanic and glacial coasts
6. Kilauea Coast , Hawaii has volcanic coasts and volcanic explosion
7. San Francisco Bay, California has river deposition coasts
8. Indian River Lagoon, Florida has elevated wave-cut bench coasts
9. Cape Canaveral, Florida has barrier reefs
10. Florida Gulf Coast has wave deposition coasts

Friday, November 1, 2013

different types of sand

Key West: The sand is small and angular. It is black and white and is not magnetic. its composition is mostly rocks and minerals.

St. Martin Simpson Bay: The sand is very small and angular. It is moderatly sorted and its color is all black.

Cancun Mexico: The sand is all white and is not magnetic. it is small and its texture is subangular. It is also well sorted and its composition was crystals.

Bahamas: The sand is all white and its size is very small. it is not magnetic and its texture is subangular. it is well sorted and its composition is mostly minerals.

Desert Island: The sand hads many different colors. The three main colors it has is yellow, orange and white. it is small and subrounded. This sand is well sorted and consisted of rocks and minerals.

Plum Island: The sand is black, yellow and white. It is magnetic and very small. Its sand is rounded but very poorly sorted. Its composition is rocks and biologic materials.

Klamath California: The sand is black and gray. it is small and angular. it is well sorted consisting of rocks.

Salinas Ecudor: The sand is orange, yellow, black and white. it is very small and not magnetic. Its tecture is subrounded and subangular. It is very poorly sorted and consisted of rocks, minerals and crystals.

The two sands I chose to compare and contrast were Plum Island and Klamath California. Plum Island is located in Newbury MA and Klamath is located in California. Plum Island's sand color is black, white and yellow, while Klamath California's sand is only black and gray. It is not magnetic but Plum Island's sand is magnetic and is also very small. Its texture is rounded but very poorly sorted. Klamath California's sand is small, angular and well sorted. its wentworth scale measurment is only 2.5mm. The two sand's are very different because they both come from two completely different places but they also have some similarities.   

Friday, October 18, 2013

Continental Drift

Throughout the "Dancing of the Continents" activity, I learned that all of the continents fit together perfectly. they all connect in certain places as if they belong all clustered together. The continents all broke apart because the ocean floor did not have enough strength to hold them all together. The Theory of Continental Drift was proposed in 1920. It was not believed by some people until proved by seafloor spreading. Magma from beneath the earths crust could fill in, between the plates. The hot magma cooled in the ocean water, it would expand and push the plates on both sides. The Atlantic Ocean would then become wider, but the coastlines of the land masses would not change. The Theory of Plate Tectonics was said that all seven  continents broke apart and split up. this theory was proposed and later proven. It showed those people who doubted this theory that it was actually true. Scientists of different disciplines collaborate by sharing their information and putting it together with other information to see if it matches. The scientists come together with each other and use everything they found to try to prove their theories and observations.  

Friday, October 4, 2013


Clams live in a depth range of (130-459.3) feet. They are only found in the South Pacific Ocean. This trip will take about seven days of saling and the breeding cycle takes place at night which lasts about 4 to 6 hours. To start my study of clams, I am going to need a boat as a base to get me from one point to another. I will need an oxygen tank to hold up to 4-6 hours of breathing time underwater. Since clams breed at night i am going to need night vision goggles, a light to see my way around, and an underwater camera to help collect data when I get back to my boat. On the boat I am going to need a place where I collect data,a room for extra equiptment such as oxygen tanks and wet suits, and last a place to keep food and drinks since the trip is for seven days. Saftey equiptment will also be included. There should be atleast one life boat to escape in case of an emergency, a few life jackets, and a rope. Once everything is ready and I have all the materials to survive, I will be ready to explore and study the breeding of clams in the South Pacific Ocean.